Sunday, November 26, 2006

Turkey Weekend or Weekend of Turkeys?

Hey there! Man what a weekend. I had Jarom all weekend! I was extrememly nervous about having him for more than 2 days but we settled right in and had a blast. On the drive home we noticed that the frontage roads in Ardmore, OK are totally decorated for the holidays. I think we're going to have to make a trip out there and drive them. It looks like it goes for a mile or more.
On Thursday we had some invitations to go some places but nowhere I felt comfortable so Jarom and I went to Wally World, which was open all day, and bought pork chops! We watched cars several times this weekend but neither of us were sick of it. He was quoting lines the rest of the weekend.
After cooking up the chops and downing them we went back to Walmart to get stuff to decorate the christmas tree. Friday morning we went to Lowes and picked up a tree for $25! Then we spent the day decorating between going to the park and making laps around the apartment building. We both actually took a 2 hour nap (boy it's been a long time!).

It should be noted that the theme for this tree is "paper". I still have to put on the little paper "globes". I'll post the picture when it's done and the lights are on. I'm proud of this tree!
Saturday we finished the decorating and I got my laundry done. Then we did the most important thing all weekend, watched the OU game! Oh what a game too! They won and took the Big 12 South Division Title! We came home to find Seinfeld Season 7 in the mailbox. Jarom crashed early and I started in on the Seinfeld! This season has The Soup Nazi so you can bet I was excited!
Sunday was just another Sunday. We went to church took some pictures and headed south to Gainsville. To be honest I was extremely sad to let Jarom go. It was great having him here and I can hardly wait for the next two weeks to go by so I can have him again.

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