Monday, December 11, 2006

Weekend With Jarom

This weekend was a bitter sweet one. Since Kara is moving to Utah I realized this would be my last weekend with him before coming to Utah and leaving him there. I had myself all psyched up and ready for that. I had run through all of the emotions and was ready to accept it when Kara called and asked if I could take him this coming weekend. Of course I will but man, I've gotta go through another week of torture!
Anyway, on our way back from Gainesville we stopped in Ardmore to see the outdoor light display they have. Jarom LOVED it! We drove really slow for about 30 minutes through a great display, then hit the road back to Norman. We didn't get back until after 9 so it was straight to bed.
Saturday morning was watching Superman cartoons, courtesy of LaRee, then we went to the Museum of Natural History. This has become a tradition. Unfortunately so has leaving with Jarom kicking and screaming because he is acting up. It starts out small but then quickly escalates.
The good news is once we got home he calmed down, did his time in time-out and was good to go for the rest of the night. We took what turned out to be a 2.5 hour nap and then we made some dinner and then made chocolate chip cookies. They weren't the best but it was just the experience that we were after anyway. Jarom is the sweetest and most thoughtful 3 year old I have ever known. He says and does stuff that is so beyond his age. Compliments and timely comments are so out of character for a kid his age.
So Sunday rolled around and we went to church and then had some lunch. He then asked to watch the "Joseph Smith Movie". It's called The Restoration and it's what we watch on Sundays but usually it's a compromise because he wants to watch Superman or Toy Story. This time it was by his request.
After this we headed back to Gainesville, reluctantly. After dropping him off I had a nice conversation with Chris (Kara's fiance) and then Kara called me and asked an interesting question, "Did Jarom tell you he swallowed a penny?"
I was pretty sure I took the change off of my night stand in the bedroom because when he's not sleeping, Jarom gets into a lot of mischief. Like yesterday I was climbing into bed and found on the bed a pen missing a cap, 4 books from the bookshelf and ALL of the pillows curiously stacked as high as they would go. Not to mention the cord on the horizontal blinds tied in knots! He did this all without a peep to indicate that he was awake.
Back to the penny thing, Kara told him not to ever do that again and threatened to "take away all of his 'money's' and go to the hospital"! She said he really didn't like that! Hard to say what he liked least, the hospital threat or losing his change. Well, do what works I guess. He's a funny kid.

I really like this picture of us

He's a Cheese!

He just wants me to leave him alone

LaRee, in case anyone wants to know what she looks like.

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